A mischievous, creative soul with a penchant for bad (read, good) puns, Christine just graduated from the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, TX with an MAR (Master of Art in Religion), with a theology concentration. Her thesis is titled, "Knights on Bikes: Purity
and Perfection in Chrétien’s Conte du Graal and the Tour de France
Narratives” though its working title, "Men Without Coconuts," will always remain the true one. She is thankful to have studied and worked with Tony Baker, theology professor extraordinaire.
A good friend, one of the MDivs, once asked her an excellent question: "Why are you denying your passion?"
What are her passions, you ask? She hopes that readers will discern them in her blog posts, but for those who prefer lists, here are a few: writing (poetry and prose); reading (most genres); theology (Rowan Williams, Augustine, Aquinas, Paul, Lewis, among others); literature (the study of, especially medieval, Victorian, British, twentieth- and twenty-first century, oh you name, I probably like it); words/language/punctuation (especially love the Oxford comma and get really annoyed by the green grocer's apostrophe); the liminal or not-so liminal space where theology, literature, and language meet; comedy and finding out how play as a rule of life fits into well . . . life and theology; uplifting others in the gift of writing--this often takes the form of copyediting and proofreading as well as teaching/tutoring; being the hands and feet of Christ in the world. . . I think that's enough . . .if you see anymore in my writing, please feel free to let me know.